Today is one of those cold, bleaky early autumn days - the sky is unsmiling and distant with a hard shade of dirty grey. Yesterday's sun is now replaced by a light and tender rain, which invites one to unfold within oneself, chat with one's family, bake home-made chocolate cake, read art magazines in bed and watch the rain as it slips and slides across the window pane like new shoes on freshly polished tiles.
Art, Dance and Culture links:London: Degas and the Ballet:
Picturing Movement at the Royal Academy of Arts from 17th September to 11th December.
Vienna: Rosa Loy and Neo Rausch
Behind the Garden at the Essl Museum in Klosterneuburg, Vienna from 2nd September to 16th November.
Berlin: Once upon a Time at the Deutsche Guggenheim
The exhibion focuses on how fairytales are represented in video art today.
Runs until 9th October.
Lausanne: Van Gogh, Bonnard, Vallotton at the Foundation de l'Hermitage.
Was at the opening party. Bonnard is one of my beloved painters because he captures everything so painterly. I was especially drawn to La Blanche et la Noire by FĂ©lix Vallotton. Exhibition runs until 23 October.
Antwerp: Dream the world Away at Momu Fashion Museum.
Solo exhibition by local fashion designer Walter van Beirendonck.
Runs from September 14th - February 19th. See you there!

Images: Morning reading after breakfast wearing my silk antique kimono, watching the rain, gave myself a manicure, home-made chocolate cake made from 100% pure Jamaican cocoa, catching up on art news in bed, flowers on my dressing table, view from a French village. Have a nice Sunday and a happy week.