Rene Storck's dresses evoke feelings of femininity and mystery. They are created for the modern, liberated woman. I purchased four silk dresses at the Paris boutique after seeing his show at Paris fashion week. I'm mad about high-quality fabric - my mother is to be blamed for this. She has taught me everything I know today about the textile industry. She ran her own textile companies before retiring.

There's silk and there is Silk - the dresses I purchased feels like organic body butter cream against the skin - sensuous, luxuriously light and soft. You all know I live in the world of feeling, and that does not exclude shopping for dresses. Life is about intense experiences, my lovelies.

I had the Privilege of meeting Mr Rene Storck in person, The German fashion designer. We had a chat about fashion, inspiration, life and travel. Mr Storck is very engaging with a kind and attractive face, eyes the colour of warm molasses and laughter like the colour of the sun.
What is creative inspiration? Of course we all know that inspiration is a very personal matter. Some designers are inspired by nature and women, others are inspired by the divine, but the best description of inspiration comes from Mr Rene Storck - Inspiration is like magic - think of a butterfly - when it's there - be inspired - when it flies away - travel to Paris and be inspired by Parisian butterflies.

Images: Pink silk dress and red skirt at the Frankfurt boutique,
an unfinished dress on a mannequin and the designer's drawing table, a colourful dress on a mannequin.
English speaking readers are warmly invited to watch an interview with Rene Storck
HEREGerman speaking readers are invited to read German Vogue's article on the designer