Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Paris, after lunch

Image of myself via The street muse. It's such a busy period for us now - less time for blogging. Back to usual blogging July/August. Warmly hope you are all well, and enjoying the precious gifts of life. For further reading on art, fashion, books, travel. Visit Fashion Is My Muse HERE
Monday, June 4, 2012
Inspiration is just around the corner
Često dobijam pitanja na temu šta me inspiriše. Moj odgovor je uvek isti: moja svakodnevica.
Ljudi koje srećem, prostor u kojem živim, stvari na koje nailazim, reči koje čujem, okolnosti u kojima se zateknem. U kontekstu novog posta, inspiracija se pojavila u par sunčevih zraka koji su obojili hodnik moje zgrade. Idealni za scenografiju moje subotnje kombinacije, vrlo jednostavne, a opet, rekla bih, dovoljno upečatljive. Crno sa belim, sa tek par kapi žute, poput začina na čitavu priču. Još malo boje na usnama, i onaj od prošle sezone dobro poznat plavi momenat na noktima. Trenutak idealan za umetnički dojam na outfit fotografijama. Iščekujem vaš sud.
Do idućeg posta, sunčani pozdrav za sve. Vaša B.
I often get questions on what inspires me. My answer is always the same: my everyday life: people I'm meeting, area where I'm living, words I'm hearing. In the context of the new post, inspiration appeared in a few sun rays that were colouring hallway of my building. Ideal scenery for my Saturday's combination, very simple, and yet, I think, sufficiently striking. Black and white and with only a few drops of yellow, like the spice in the story. A little more color on the lips, and one of last season's well-known blue moment on the nails. The moment is ideal for artistic impression on the photos. I'm waiting your judgment. Until next post, sunny greetings to all. Your B.
hvala mojoj Đosli na fotografijama! <3
wearing: shirt: ZARA; shorts: STRADIVARIUS; shoes: BERSHKA;
necklace: Prodavnica bižuterije ''SJAJ'' (Vojvode Stepe 251. ) +DIY;
watch: ESPRIT; bracelet: GIFT;
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Recap: April & May
Tradiocionalna Recap rubrika se nastavlja. Kako imam utisak da je interesantnije podsetiti se većeg broja outfit postova, namerno sam preskočila aprilsku ne bih li je ujedinila sa majskom. I evo nas. Pred vama četrnaest kombinacija koje su obeležile prolećne mesece za nama. Po starom dobrom običaju, očekujem vaš sud o najboljem outfitu u celini i komadu zasebno. Vaša procene o favoritima su mi uvek i više nego zanimljive, stoga bacite se na posao.
Do idućeg posta, veliki pozdrav za sve! Uživajte u nedeljnoj večeri. Vaša B.
Do idućeg posta, veliki pozdrav za sve! Uživajte u nedeljnoj večeri. Vaša B.
Here we are. Another Recap post is here. This time you we'll see 14 post from previously two months. As always I am expecting your judgment about the best outfit and the best piece. Reading your favorites is always more than interesting, so feel free to write your opinion. Until next post, greetings to all. Enjoy Sunday evening. Yours B.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
New Makeup Section - Play With Your Lips
Kao što sam najavila u ''Instagram'' postu, rešila sam da postojeći sadržaj rubrika osvežim novom, koja će biti posvećena mojoj makeup i beauty rutini, proizvodima koje koristim i preporučujem i svim onim temama koje su mi zanimljive, a da su u vezi sa ovim oblastima.
Nadam se vašim pozitivnim reakcijama na ovu malu novinu i promenu na blogu.
Za prvi post ovog tipa rešila sam da vas bliže upoznam sa najnovijim osveženjem moje makeup kolekcije, Max Factor Flipstick Colour Effect karminima (znate da ih obožavam!). Ono što me je posebno zaintrigiralo kod ovog duo ruža je mogućnost poigravanja, mešanja i uklapanja boja, tako da se sa lakoćom može postići i više nego trendy ombre izgled usana, koji me prosto fascinira. Dakle, sve je prosto: svaki flipstick poseduje dve nijanse, koje se mogu koristiti samostalno, pomešane zajedno ili kao tandem. Možete da se poigravate do mile volje nanošenjem jedne boje na gornju usnu, a druge na donju (ombre efekat), uokviravanjem usne jednom nijasnom dok se druga nanosi na unutrašnjost usana, ili pak slojevitim nanošenjem obe boje. No, da sve ne bi ostala na čistoj teoriji, pokazaću vam kako svih šest, odosno dvanaest, nijasni ruža izgledaju i dati par saveta kako da ih kombinujete.
As I have announced in ''Instagram'' post, I decided to refresh the existing content of blog sections with the new one, which will be dedicated to my makeup and beauty routine, the products I use and recommend, and to all those topics that are interesting to me and related to these areas.
For the first post of this kind I decided to make you more familiar with the latest refreshment of my makeup collection, Max Factor Colour Effect Flipstick lipstick (you know I adore them!). What I was particularly intrigued about this duo lipstick is the possibility of playing eith colours by mixing and matching them. That means you can easily achieve that trendy ombre look of the lips, which I just adore. So, everything is simple: each flipstick has two shades, which can be used independently, mixed together or in tandem. You can play with your lips by applying a single color on the upper lip, and the other on the bottom (ombre effect), or you can frame your lips with one shade while the other is applied to the inside part. Or, the most easily style is to wear colors layered. Now, I'll show you all six ( 12 exactly) shades of this lipstick and give you some advice on how to combine them.
Prva kombinacija nijansi kojom ćemo se pozabaviti nosi naziv ''Folky Pink''. Svaki Flipstick se sastoji od dve nijanse, istih podtonova, savršene za kombinovanje. Ovde, konkretno, imamo divnu boju trule višenje, koja je moj lični favorit, jer volim jake i upečatljive usne. Druga nijansa je daleko blaža stoga je Folky Pink idealan za postizanje ombre efekta, i to na sledeći način: tamniju nijansu nanesite na gornju usnu, nežno razmažite karmin, ali tako da boja sa gornje usne pređe samo na delić donje, a onda na ostatak donje usne nanesite svetliju nijansu. Preporučujem od srca!
Fantastičan efekat, koji ću vam već u nekom od narednih outfit postova pokazati.
The first combination of colors about wich we we'll talk is named ''Folky Pink''. Each Flipstick consists of two shades that are perfect for combining. Here we have a wonderful shade in the color of rotting cherry, which is my personal favorite, because I like strong and impressive lips. The other shade is much lighter so ''Folky Pink'' is ideal for achieving ombre effect. Apply a darker shade on the upper lip, gently smear the lipstick, but in the way that the color of the upper lip move only a little bit on a lower, then apply a lighter shade on a rest of the lower lip.
A fantastic effect!
A fantastic effect!
Sledeća nijansa idealna je za plavuše i devojke svetlije kose, usled divnih primesa ružičaste i ljubičaste boje. U pitanju je ''Boreal Mauve'', u kojoj je tamnija nijansa izuzetno mat, dok dašak sedefa daje svetlija. Nosite je tako što ćete središnji deo usana namazati svetlijom nijansom, dok će ostatak biti tamniji. Sjajna boja kako za večernje varijante tako i za dnevne. Još jedan od mojih favorita!
The next shade is perfect for blondes and girls with lighter hair, because pink and purpule hint in this colours. It is the ''Boreal Mauve'' shade, whit one very dark mat colour, and the other that is brighter and with a touch of nacre. Wear the lighter shade on the central part of the lips, while the rest is darker. Great in the evening but also suitable for daily occasions. Another of my favorites!
''Salsa Red'', kako joj i samo ime kaže, je vrlo senzualna, efzotična i ženstvena nijansa. Sjajna je za devojke sa tamnijom kosom i tenom. Lično, preporučujem nošenje svake nijanse zasebno jer je crvena boja (tamnija nijasna) toliko sjajna da je šteta kvariti je dodavanjem svetlije.
''Salsa Red'', as its name suggests, is a very sensual, exotic and feminine shade. It's great for girls with dark hair and complexion. Personally, I recommend wearing shades separately because each color is so amazing, especially the darker one.
Sledeća nijansa je nešto zahtevnija po pitanju tena kojem najbolje stoji. Naime, zbog primesa narandžaste nije najpogodina za crnke sa svetlim tenom. Sa druge strane, devojkama sa tamnijim tenom može stajati perfektno. U pitanju je ''Bloomy Pink'' nijansa, koja je sjajna za postizanje sve češćeg trenda u šminkanju u kojoj je spoljašnja ivica usana tamnija dok je unutrašnji deo svetliji (nešto poput modernizovanog izgleda iz 90-ih).
The following shade is a little bit more demanding in terms of complexion which is the best for it. It's not the most suitable for the brunettes with lighter complexion. On the other hand, girls with darker complexions can wear it perfectly. It is ''Bloomy Pink'' shade, which is a great to achieve trendy look in which the outer edges of the lips are dark until the rest is brighter (something like a modernized look from the 90's).
Peta nijansa je još jedan od mojih favorita. ''Mosaic Mauve'' je jaka, ekcentrična, boja koja potvrđuje stav. Zbog svoje jačina, pogodna je isključivo za večernje prilike. Još jedna nijasna odlična za ombre efekat (već ste shvatili koliko volim ovaj makeup izgled).
Posebno se radujem nošenju ove boje!
Fifth shade is also one of my favorites. ''Mosaic Mauve'' is strong, eccentric, colour that confirms the attitude. Because of its strength, it's suitable for evening occasions. This shade is also great for ombre effect ( you now probably realize how much I love that makeup look).
I za kraj ostala je ''Gipsy Red'' nijansa. Odlična za sve vas koji ste u pokretu celog dana i želite da u hodu promenite vaš makup izgled iz suptilnog u dramatični. Dakle, za prepodnevni izgled koristite svetlu nijasnu nežnu poput providnog sjaja za usne, dok se za večernji izgled naoružajte vatrenom crvenom. Uživajte u svojoj transformaciji!
And for the end lets talk about ''Gypsy Red'' shade. Excellent for all of you who are on the move all day and want to change your makup look from subtle to dramatic. So, for the morning light look, use a gentle, transparent shadelip gloss, while for the evening try fiery red. E
njoy in your transformation!
Nadam se da vam je ovaj prvi makeup post na Divine Worldu bio od koristi. Priznaću da mi je pravo uživanje baviti se ovim uslovno rečeno novim temama, tako da možete da očekujete još postova u vezi sa ovom oblasti. I da, ono što vas verovatno sve zanima, cena jednog Flipsticka je 949 dinara.
Očekujem vaše komentare, utiske i naravno sugestije!
Do idućeg posta veliki pozdrav i poljubac za sve! Vaša B.
I hope you find this first makeup post helpful. I'll admit it was a real pleasure to write with these new themes, so you can expect more posts from this area.
I 'm waiting for your comments, impressions and suggestions!
I 'm waiting for your comments, impressions and suggestions!
Until next post greetings and kisses for all! Yours B.
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