Mart je bio jedan od onih ubrzanih a sporih meseci. Dok je sve oko mene bilo u petoj brzini, ja sam još uvek bila u zimskom leru. Taman kada sam se ponadala da će me prolećno sunce prenuti iz letargije, ono me je, onako mazno i omamljujuće, iz zimskog sna samo lagano prenelo u prolećni.
No, vreme je za buđenje. Svoju svakodnevnicu nazivam prostim imenom: cajtnot. Doduše istim imenom nazivam i svoj najveći izvor inspiracije, jer priznajem, bila sam i ostala kampanjac. Ali kako blog ne trpi taj vid ''saradnje'', ostaje mi jedino da vam se u ovom postu izvinim za nedostatak istih, i obećam redovnija ''javljanja''.
April, po tradiciji, započinjem rekapitulacijom outfit postova iz prethodnog meseca. U skladu sa upravo napisanim redovima, ovaj post dokazuje činjenicu da je mart bio jedan ne tako ažuran mesec. Ujedno to je bio i mesec u kojem su nastali neki od mojih najomiljenijih outfit postova. Ikada.
A koji je to vaš najomiljenij post iz meseca marta, nestrpljivo iščekujem da čujem. Baš kao što iščekujem da čujem i koji vam je to komad zasebno posebno privukao pažnju.
Pa dragi moji, imate reč!
Do idućeg posta veliki pozdrav i poljubac za sve...Vaša B.
March was one of those fast-slow months. While everyone around me was in fifth gear, I was still in the winter idling. Just when I hoped that spring sun will push me from lethargy, it just placed me from the winter to the spring dream. No, it's time to wake up.
I traditionally begin the month with a recapitulation of outfit posts from the previous month. In accordance with the just written lines, this post proves the fact that March was not so up-to-date month. At the same time it was the month in which I made some of my most favorite outfit posts. Ever. And who is your favorite post of the month of March, I'm eagerly waiting to hear. Just as I am waiting to hear which piece caught the most of your attention.
Well my dear firends, you have a word!
Until next post, greeting for all...Yours B.
I traditionally begin the month with a recapitulation of outfit posts from the previous month. In accordance with the just written lines, this post proves the fact that March was not so up-to-date month. At the same time it was the month in which I made some of my most favorite outfit posts. Ever. And who is your favorite post of the month of March, I'm eagerly waiting to hear. Just as I am waiting to hear which piece caught the most of your attention.
Well my dear firends, you have a word!
Until next post, greeting for all...Yours B.
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